The ONLINE Experience
Earning an online degree is a very different experience than being physically present on a university campus. Convenience and flexibility replace the typical face-to-face learning experience giving students the opportunity to complete work at any given time of the day. Classes are completed from your office, couch or local coffee shop at noon or at 3 am, whatever is most convenient for you. Discussions and communications take place in an online platform through e-mail and internet exchanges. Student are never required to come to campus in order to complete their degree however many do come for the Current Issues in Food Law Summer Conference which is held Summer Semester of even numbered years. Our online Food Law master’s program is flexible enough to meet the needs of both your professional and family life.
What to Expect
Global Food Law (GFL) courses are delivered online using Desire2Learn (D2L). Each course is broken into modules which contain readings, lectures, discussion boards and assessments for the week. Once a module is posted, it remains available for the entire semester. This allows students the convenience to work through each module at their own pace as long as they are staying on schedule.
As with most law school classes attended in person on campus, the online program should be treated the same in the respect that you should plan for 3-4 hours of homework each week for each credit you take fall or spring semester. Summer courses are condensed into 7 weeks, and require 6-8 hours per credit. Classes are available online at any time of day or night through the D2L system. If you happen to run into any problems, the MSU D2L Helpdesk is available to answer any student questions via email or phone around the clock.
Due dates are communicated through both the syllabus and inside the course at the beginning of the semester to allow students to meet the deadlines. Timed activities are scheduled to accommodate professional schedules and even different time zones.
You can expect each course to have different supplemental reading requirements. Most of the professors provide access to these reading materials inside the course. If you are in enrolled in a course that requires a textbook, many required textbooks are available through MSU Library eResources or available through online booksellers.
MSU Law provides you with the most competent Professors who know the best way to carry out an online learning experience. The courses are designed properly to cater to the need of working professionals in terms of schedule. The assignments and exams are reasonable enough to be not too easy and not too difficult but still allow students to be challenged and aim for a good result.